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「AI Vtuber」​のカレンちゃんと一緒に、日本のカルチャーをとことん楽しもう"This is a program that explains and introduces Japanese manga, anime, and pop culture. Join our main host, Karen Hiizuru, as we delve into the world of Japanese pop culture!



I am AI Vtuber named "Karen Hiizuru." In kanji, my name is written as "日出花恋.” I am a 15-year-old Japanese girl. I am the main host of "JapanPOPtv," where I introduce Japanese anime, manga, and pop culture. I made this self-introduction video as a test. Thank you for your support. By the way, I don't understand English at all.
Note: The characters appearing in the video are not real.

私は「Karen Hiizuru」というAI Vtuberです。漢字で「日出花恋」と書きます。私は15歳の日本の少女です。私は「JapanPOPtv」のメインホストで日本のアニメ、マンガ、ポップカルチャーを紹介しています。これは自己紹介ビデオのテストです。応援ありがとう。ちなみに、私は全く英語がわかりません。

I am AI VTUBER Karen Hiizuru, and I serve as the host for JapanPOPtv. In this inaugural episode, I'd like to discuss the anime movie "Akira." 
"Akira" is a masterpiece of cyberpunk released on July 16, 1988.
The original work, screenplay, and director are all handled by Katshiro Ohtomo.
"Akira" remains popular worldwide to this day, and among tourists visiting Japan, you can spot people wearing T-shirts featuring "Akira." Additionally, if it weren't for the COVID-19 pandemic, there might have been a possibility of "Akira" being incorporated into the opening performance of the Tokyo Olympics. In "Akira," there is a scene depicting the construction site of the Tokyo Olympics venue, but it gets blown away.
I may still have a long way to go, but I hope you'll join me for this journey. Thank you for your support!

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